The people of Europe are now focused on self-preservation, the lucky few who survived having gone into hiding. Civilization is in disarray, communication networks have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. Only a month ago, the first Zed outbreak from the original KILLING FLOOR ripped through London now the specimen clones are everywhere. The Zed outbreak caused by Horzine Biotechs failed experiments has quickly spread with unstoppable momentum, paralyzing the European Union.

The Zed outbreak caused by Horzine Biotechs failed experiments has quickly spread with unstoppable momentum, In KILLING FLOOR 2, players descend into continental Europe after it has been overrun by horrific, murderous clones called Zeds that were created by the corporation Horzine. Summary: In KILLING FLOOR 2, players descend into continental Europe after it has been overrun by horrific, murderous clones called Zeds that were created by the corporation Horzine.